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Your Torus, your say

Want to make a difference? All you need is a voice

If you are a tenant or leaseholder and would like to find out more about getting involved and giving your views, please contact our friendly Tenant Voice (Customer Involvement) Team - use the online form, call 0800 678 1894 or email

The team will get back to you within 5 working days.

Updated: 5 December 2023

Welcome to Tenant Voice - a place for tenants and leaseholder to find and take part in consultations that interest them - to share ideas and influence the services they receive.

We want you, your voice at the heart of everything we do. Your thoughts, opinions and ideas can help shape our business, improve our services, strengthen our communities and create places and opportunities everyone can be proud of.

Whether you’re reviewing services, evaluating policies, looking at customer experience or improving our neighbourhoods, there are plenty of ways to have your say.

We have a dedicated involvement team who support our tenant and leaseholder volunteers to give their views and have their say, through a wide range of opportunities to suit them.

“Torus provided me with the opportunity and training that I could use to influence people with real power and influence within the housing sector”

Ray, Landlord Operations Committee (LOC) member

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Ways to get involved

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Consultations, opportunities and projects

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Tenant Inspectors

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Tenant Voice 'Customer Involvement' Strategy

The Tenant Voice Strategy 2024-27 outlines how Torus intends to engage and consult with tenants and leaseholders and how we will support you to get involved.

We want to encourage as many tenants and leaseholders as possible to have their say, become engaged and participate in our business and how services are delivered. We have developed a range of options for tenants and leaseholders to influence decisions at whatever level best suits their lifestyle.

Find out more about getting involved and giving your views.

Download the strategy

“Becoming an involved tenant was the best move of my life. Housing Associations are expanding and need as many people as possible to get involved and help”

Angela, Scrutiny Panel Member