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We understand that this can be a difficult time, so we’ve put together some information to help you and to hopefully make the next steps as easy as possible.
You’ll need to let us know as soon as possible if you’re living with a tenant who has passed away or if you’re helping deal with a tenant’s property, belongings and money. This is known as their estate.
We’ll be able to help you check whether you (or anyone living at the property) are able to continue living there or it may be possible for you to end the tenancy.
Please find details of how to get in touch with us on our contact us page.
If a joint tenant in a secure or assured tenancy dies, then the other joint tenant always becomes the sole tenant and the tenancy passes to them automatically. The joint tenant would be responsible for any future rent or any arrears on the property.
There may be other circumstances where the tenancy could pass onto the joint tenant or spouse, civil partner or other household or family member. This process is called succession. When you get in touch we can help you find out if this could be an option.
If you’re a joint tenant and you do not wish to continue with the tenancy, then you can request for it to end. If it was a sole tenancy and you are the next of kin, executor of the will or the administrator of the estate then please do get in touch with us. We understand that every circumstance may be different, so we will be able to help you with your options and the next steps.
If there is no succession of the property, given the circumstances we will agree to take a shorter notice period. We would do this as long as those acting on behalf of the deceased are able to return the property cleared of personal and household items by the end of the notice period.
Furniture and other property will usually pass to the next of kin unless the will of the deceased tenant says something different.