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We have a wide choice of housing for older people. From bungalows to flats, sheltered communities to communities with Extra Care.
Our homes for later life provide safe and secure housing for residents over 55.
There are approximately 800 older residents in one of our 38 housing for older people schemes. Our schemes are diverse to ensure that our residents have access to a wide range of services that meet their needs and values.
Our schemes also benefit with day-to-day support, including help with benefits, managing money, accessing additional care from the housing team from Torus Support Network.
If you want to live independently, in an easier to manage home but have access to communal areas, then sheltered housing might appeal to you.
We have a choice of sheltered housing communities across the Northwest for the over 55s, each with a scheme manager and emergency support if you need it, offering secure, comfortable and easy to maintain apartments. Each with spacious communal areas and gardens, along with the opportunity to socialise with other residents should you want to.
Our Extra Care homes in Warrington, Knowsley, Newton and St Helens are designed with the over 55s in mind, complete with the added reassurance you can remain independent for as long as possible, where tailored care and support is available, assessed to your current, or future, individual needs, with support on-site, should you need them.
For older customers living in bungalows in Warrington and St Helens, our Staying Home team are on hand to help people live independently for as long as possible in their own home.