ONLINE ACCOUNT | We have made some changes to our Online Portal. If you are struggling to access it, you may need to reset your password or reregister for an online account. For more information, visit
“l am proud be a Tenant Voice Inspector, speaking up for the residents and tenants of Torus to help make a difference to their lives and surroundings”.
John, Tenant Inspector
We have 28 TI’s who conduct mystery shopping on our services and report on how we’re doing and then feedback on what they find.
The report highlights strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement.
Full training is given, and you can choose how often you want to be involved and where.
We’re committed to delivering services to the standards you expect. Working with our residents, we’ve developed the Local Offers , which lets you know what you should expect from us.
Local Offers covers your home, where you live, the service you receive, the support we offer and how you can have your say.
The TI programme is to test these Local Offer commitments to make sure we are doing what we should be. TI’s provide feedback on service quality and customer experience, identifying good and poor service and make recommendation for service improvements.
“You can improve things when they go wrong and by being a Tenant Inspector lets me help to put things right.”.
Barbara, Tenant Inspector