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Your housing options

From flats and apartments for single people and couples to larger homes for growing families and specialist homes for older people, we have something for everyone.

  • Renting or buying
  • Homes of older people
  • Supported housing

If you want to rent a home at an affordable price, buy a home without over-stretching yourself financially, or if you're looking for somewhere with extra support for older people, we can help. Find your next home right here.

We offer a range of housing options depending on your needs and can help you:

  • Rent a home
  • Exchange your home for another through HomeSwapper
  • Explore supported housing options
  • Buy a home through shared ownership
  • Buy a home through private sale

Different types of affordable housing

These properties are provided by local authorities and some registered providers.

The rent for these properties will be set at a level dictated by the national rent regime. Social rented properties are the most affordable being approximately 55% of private rents.

Torus social rent homes are allocated in line with the allocations policy for that local authority.

Depending on where you live, or wish to live, the way you apply and are allocated a property is different in each area. The homes are allocated on a secure tenancy agreement following a period of an introductory tenancy.

How to apply

Your first step in renting one of these homes is to apply to your Local Authority's housing list. Youโ€™ll usually have to join a waiting list and youโ€™re not guaranteed to get a property. Find yours at

Find out how to rent a home with Torus

Affordable rent is typically charged at up to 80% of local market rent and are allocated via the Local Authority waiting lists. 

Applicants must be able to pay the rent without spending more than 40% of their gross income as we do not want to encourage people to live in housing that they cannot afford.

How to apply

Affordable rent properties are let in the same way as social rented properties. Your first step in renting one of these homes is to apply to your Local Authority's housing list.  Youโ€™ll usually have to join a waiting list and youโ€™re not guaranteed to get a property. Find yours at

Find out how to rent a home with Torus

Our sheltered housing schemes are for people aged over 55. Each scheme has a scheme manager on site for 2.5 days per week, and emergency support if you need it, and offer secure, comfortable and easy to maintain apartments.

How to apply

To apply, you must register with the Local Authority Housing Department, or you can visit our โ€˜available nowโ€™ page and contact the team to find out more or arrange a visit.

Find out more

We have a variety of supported housing schemes across the heartlands, offering supported housing to help those fleeing domestic abuse, people with mental health problems, people with learning disabilities to live independently and homelessness. 

How to apply

Supported housing is normally accessed via referral from an agency such as the relevant Local Authority, including Adult Social Care, Housing Options and various other partners working with vulnerable adults who require support.

Find out more about Supported Housing

Extra Care schemes are designed with the over 55s in mind, where older people can live independently in their own home for as long as possible, providing valuable support services with the added reassurance that tailored care and on-site support is available, should they need them.

How to apply

To apply, you must register with the Local Authority Housing Department.

Find out more about Extra Care with Torus here.

Shared ownership typically allows you to buy between 25% to 75% of your new home through a traditional mortgage. You pay a subsidised rent to us on the part that you donโ€™t own. 

How to apply

Take a look at shared ownership homes available through Torus.

Rent to Buy is a government-backed initiative that allows eligible working people to rent a newly built home at 20% less than market rent whilst they save for a deposit to buy.

The home is rented for an initial 5 year period, after which you can apply to buy the home. If you apply to buy the home before the 5 year period is up, we can only sell to you via Shared Ownership.

How to apply

Take a look at our Rent to Buy homes available through Torus


Torus Homes offer brand-new beautiful homes to buy at open market prices.

All profits generated are used to provide much-needed independent funding for our charitable activities and reinvesting in our communities.

How to apply

Take a look at private sale homes available here.

Other options open to you:

Private rent

This type of rent is used widely in the private sector, and it is not restricted to just those assessed to be in housing need as with many of our other tenures. Rent on these properties is known as Market Rent and is decided by the private landlord, based on:

  • The number of beds the property has
  • The area the property is in
  • The outside space
  • As well as many other contributing factors.

Check out available properties on Rightmove.

Homeswapper - swap with another tenant

HomeSwapper is a national service to help social housing tenants exchange homes. More than 65,000 homes have been successfully swapped using HomeSwapper, with most tenants finding a match in less than 24 hours. 

Find out more 

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