ONLINE ACCOUNT | We have made some changes to our Online Portal. If you are struggling to access it, you may need to reset your password or reregister for an online account. For more information, visit
Here are the summary reports (pdf) from recent Tenant Inspections, find out what the TI’s found, what they recommended and what changes were made.
You Said |
We Did |
Suggestions have been passed to the Torus Assets Team, who will review and implement action plans to address as appropriate. Updates will be available. |
View the full report here (pdf)
You Said |
We Did |
Suggestions have been passed to the Torus Assets (Facilities) and Neighbourhood Teams, who will review and implement action plans to address as appropriate. Updates will be available. |
View the full report here (pdf)
You Said | We Did |
Standardise ASB information across all landlord websites – in regard to accessing information, up-to-date documents and information. | The new single website has addresses this issue. In the interim the previous website(s) were updated checked for consistency. |
Customer hub advisors should have refresher training or standard scripts needed for information giving only. | Feedback has been provided to the Customer Hub who have organised training and additional guidance for staff. |
Clear timescales and procedures should be given to tenants when advisor takes report of ASB and tenants should be advised how to access a copy of the ASB policy. | Feedback has been provided to the Customer Hub who have organised training and additional guidance for staff. |
To include a statement about confidentiality on ASB letters. | Following changes to the ASB service new ASB standard letters are in development. |
View the full report here (pdf)
You Said | We Did |
Create a single website for all Torus customers with a clear link on the home page for those struggling to pay their rent. The website to have a facility to speak to a member of the Income Team direct from website particularly for people with a sight impairment. |
The new single website has addresses this issue. In the interim the previous website(s) were updated with clearer links. The new website is looking at the options of website live chat as part of phase 2, however this would be with Torus Customer Hub staff, as Income Team members are generally not desk based. |
To introduce easy read version of letters for people with disability as can be too much information on one page. | All feedback on letters have been passed to service leads to review and ensure communication in clear and accessible. Torus is setting up a Diversity & Inclusion Tenant Panel to ensure we listen to tenants’ views and help improve services. |
Put marker on a person’s account to show they have a disability so that any letters that go to them are in a way they can understand. | Torus collects information on tenant’s communication preferences. We aim to ensure all information is clear, easy to understand and free from jargon. Tenants support us in reviewing customer facing documents and providing feedback. |
View the full report here (pdf)
You Said | We Did |
Create a single website for all Torus customers which is easy to navigate and find information on safety. |
The new single website has addresses this issue. In the interim the previous website(s) were updated to make it easier for customers to find information. The new website was developed with involved customers through Tenant Voice and tested to ensure that information is easy to find – it has intelligent searches and clear mega menus. |
To put the Torus contact details at the front of the ‘Your Home, Your Safety’ guide. | Guide will be updated for version 2. |
View the full report here (pdf)
If you would like to join our team of Tenant Inspectors, or just find out about becoming a Tenant Voice volunteer, please contact the Tenant Voice Team by emailing or calling 0800 678 1894.