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Improving our online services – updated portal

29 September 2021

From Thursday 29 September all Torus customers with online accounts will all now access a new single upgraded portal.

Since Torus joined forces with Liverpool Mutual Homes in 2019 customers have had accessed their online account through different systems, but after months of development and testing the new single portal is now gone live.

What does this mean for you? When you log in to your online Torus account you will notice little difference to the look and functionality of the portal. The improvements are behind the scenes, improving the way the portal works for you.

Customers with existing accounts will still be able to log in with their existing details and those wishing to set up accounts can do so using their Tenancy Reference number, date of birth and an email address.

The new portal is accessible from or the landlord websites and will still offer the same functions, allowing customers to book and manage repairs, update their details, check their rent account, get in touch, set up a direct debit and make a rent payment.

If you are not confident using a computer/device and would like to build your digital skills and increase your online confidence, then speak to Torus Foundation who will be able to help. Call them on 0300 123 5809 or email

The alignment of our online services is part of a larger programme to transform services for our customers, to improve and streamline services for everyone, no matter where they live. The refreshed single portal is the first step in aligning our online offer, with the next phase looking at the websites and social media.

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