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Help us to help you - Brian’s story

12 April 2017

Brian Gregory has turned his dream of working as a Gas Engineer into a reality, with the help of HMS and fellow LMH Group member Liverpool Mutual Homes.

Back in 2009, Brian was unemployed and struggling to find permanent work. He was doing odd jobs for his sister, who persuaded him to get back into education.

Brian applied for a gas course at Liverpool Community College, but his lack of qualifications and experience meant he had to enrol on a three-year plumbing course instead.

“I had great tutors who were all of a similar age to me and understood my situation,” he explained. “Just before my final year, I was given a chance to enrol on the gas course, which I did. It was time to get some on-site experience with a Gas Contracting Company.”

“I’d heard of a programme run by Liverpool Mutual Homes called ‘Help us to help you’. It’s all about helping LMH customers who want to get back into work.

“As an LMH tenant, I approached my local housing office, which arranged an interview for me at HMS with Gas Team Manager John Goodlass. John was brilliant. He was really helpful and understanding, and offered me a one day a week placement.”

Brian also received a Back to Work bursary from the LMH Regeneration Team (which has since become ComMutual, LMH’s charitable arm). This helped him to buy suitable work clothing.

“I came to HMS on a voluntary basis, every Wednesday for over a year, to work alongside a Gas Engineer,” Brian continued. “Lee Thomas was a great coach and mentor – he taught me a lot about gas servicing and gas safety, and instilled a great work ethic and attitude in me.

“The work experience was invaluable and the engineers and managers made me feel part of the team. When I qualified as a Gas Engineer in July 2014 HMS offered me a temporary position, followed by a fixed-term contract for 12 months. I’m now a permanent employee.

“I’m proud of what I have achieved and my journey from a struggling, out of work LMH tenant to a fully qualified and employed Gas Engineer.

“I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone at HMS for believing in me and giving me the opportunity to succeed. Special thanks to go Mandy Taylor at ComMutual for doing so much to help me back into employment.”

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